Member Benefits and Discounts

Member Information

  • Registration automatically grants general membership status.
  • Exclusive member benefits (birthday coupons, promotion coupons, renewal gifts). Shopping credit points will be automatically added to the member's account.
  • Check shopping credits: My Account -> My Coupon(s)

Exclusive Member Privileges

  • Register on the O'SKOOL website to become a general member.
  • Receive registration gift shopping coupons upon registration.
  • General members earn Credit Points for their purchases, which can be used to discount product prices and not shipping fees.
  • General members receive birthday shopping coupons, valid for use during their birth month.

Credit Points

  • Credit Points will be issued to your member account within 30 days after completing an order with no returns or refunds.
  • USD 10 earns 1 Credit Point (10 Credit Points can be redeemed for USD 1).
  • Credit Points are valid for 365 days.
  • They can only be used to discount product prices and not shipping fees.
  • They must be used by 23:59:59 on the last day of the validity period. (If pre-ordered items are purchased or if items are returned after the points have expired, they cannot be used again.)
  • Check Credit Points: My Account -> My Credit Point(s)

VIP Members

  • General members who make a single purchase totaling USD 1200 or reach a cumulative annual spending of USD 2000 will be upgraded to VIP membership upon completion of the qualifying orders.
  • VIP members enjoy the benefits of general members and receive a 5% off discount on products.
  • VIP membership lasts for one year from the date of the upgrade.
  • Check membership level: My Account -> Membership description


To become an O'SKOOL member, please complete the required information and registration process at the Member Center.
All membership policies are set by O'SKOOL, which reserves the right to modify and change the content. Any changes will be announced on this webpage without further notice.


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